A Verifier Body (VB) is an organization for which a Verifier works. The VB is responsible for:
  1. Ensuring the quality and integrity of their Verifier's SLCP verification
  2. Training Verifiers on SLCP, technical and social skills needed for verification, and integrity
  3. Assigning Verifiers when a verification is requested by the facility
Companies can apply to become an SLCP approved VB for a specific country using this online application.
Candidate VBs must sign the VB Terms of Use and provide information on their experience conducting social audits, policies and procedures on Verifier competency, policies and procedures on ethics, impartiality, conflict of interest, and anti-corruption. 
The table below highlights the key criteria that candidate VBs must meet. 

SLCP VB criteria are:



Organization type and experience

2nd party or 3rd party with minimal 3 years’ track record in auditing of social and labor conditions in textile, apparel or footwear facilities.

Geographical Location

Experience with social and labor auditing in SLCP roll-out country/region

Internal management system

Management system in place to select and monitor SLCP approved Verifiers, and assure quality of verification process including:

  • Commitment to develop and enforce written policies and procedures on SLCP competence
  • Commitment to develop and enforce written policies and procedures on training SLCP approved Verifiers
  • Commitment to develop and enforce written policies and procedures on internal quality including rule to conduct an internal quality review of each Verification before it is finalized
  • Commitment to develop and enforce written policies and procedures on calibration
  • Commitment to require / provide documented integrity / ethics training to verifiers on a regular basis.
  • Signed indemnification form for all SLCP approved Verifiers employed by Verifier Body
Additional requirements and criteria are outlined in SLCP’s Verifier Body Requirements, including processes to maintain SLCP competence, conduct SLCP trainings, monitor Verifier SLCP performance, uphold ethics and integrity requirements, and more.
Once approved, a VB is subject to review by the Verification Oversight Organization. Regular VB System Checks ensure that VBs uphold their commitments to developing and implementing policies and procedures on SLCP approved Verifier competence, training, ethics, integrity, impartiality, and internal quality management. All VBs are subject to a Check at least once every three years. For more information about VB System Checks, read our QA Manual. 
To access the list of SLCP approved Verifier Bodies, click here.