The Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) consists of three elements:

1. Data Collection Tool (online on the AH platform and an offline Excel)
The ‘Questionnaire’ used to gather data on social and labor conditions in a facility. Contains all the assessment questions that a facility must answer through a self/joint-assessment and that will be verified by an SLCP approved Verifier. Can be filled in online on an Accredited Host platform or offline through an Excel file downloadable from an Accredited Host.

With the Data Collection Tool, SLCP collects the social and labor data that all standards and brands can use for their certification and compliance programs.

For a facility, only the self/joint-assessment part of the Data Collection Tool is visible. For the Verifier, after downloading from an Accredited Host, the Data Collection Tool includes the self-/joint-assessment data from the specific facility the Verifier was assigned to, and the blank verification fields for completion by the Verifier. The Verifier version of the Data Collection Tool also includes a “Verification Report” button that generates the Verification Summary.

To familiarize yourself with the Tool, you can download it here.

2. Verification Protocol (PDF)
Document that contains the procedures, rules and process requirements for conducting an SLCP verification.

Download the Verification Protocol here.

3. Guidance (PDF)
Document(s) that helps Verifiers and facilities complete the assessment by giving guidance on how to answer questions in the Data Collection Tool.

Download the Verifier Guidance here. 


  • The Data Collection Tool must be downloaded by the facility from the AH platform to start their self/joint-assessment. The Data Collection Tool on the Gateway/Helpdesk is for information purposes only.
  • Before using the CAF, users need to read and accept the CAF License Agreement and Terms of Use.